the people that
Inspire Me

Professor Syngcuk
The man who invented apical microsurgery and taught me to be a better surgeon.

Dr Neelika Roy
The person who taught me the perils of experiments AND TO NOT DO A PHD.

Professor Samuel
Professor Samuel Kratchman, we met during my time at the University of Pennslyvania, his surgical techniques were flawless and I was in awe when I was observing him at the University and at his private practice.

Dr Hiroshi
Dr. Hiroshi Takahashi and I met while we were at the University of Pennslyvania, he runs a successful endodontic practice in Yokohama. Our friendship grew and we continue to visit each other often to catch up either in Japan or here in Sydney.

Associate Professor Mehdi
Associate Professor Rahimi was my mentor when I was a novice endodontist. He taught me many tricks and tips on how to retreat many complex cases.

Professor Yoshi
He who taught me how to manage fractured instruments.

Prof Toh Chooi Gait & Dr Chong Jun Ai
Professor Toh was my mentor during my early years as a dental student. She encouraged me to question everything and not believe everything at face value. There are 3 areas of dentistry that we ought to be good at, which are administration, clinical skills and academics. Dr Chong and I have been friends for a long time since high school, she is one of the most ethical people I ever met in my life and taught me what integrity was.

Prof Geoffrey Sinclair Heithersay
Professor Geoffrey Sinclair Heithersay taught me both at the undergraduate as well as at postgraduate levels. His understanding of how teeth are resorbed and the processes that are involved gave me incredible insight and helped me develop new theories regarding tooth resorptions. His trauma lectures also inspire me to teach as they are so well done. Furthermore, his guidance during our weekly seminar taught me to think about endodontics in a more profound manner.

Dr Lawrence Alvino & Professor William Nguyen Ha
Prof William Nguyen Ha and Dr Lawrence Alvino, were my contemporaries during my final year at the University of Adelaide. These two boys made my final year enjoyable and fun. Both of them are now graduates themselves and moved on to greater things and their stars shine so bright that I am in awe of their achievements. I do miss the intellectual discussions with Will and the clinical cases with Lawrence.

Dr Aaron
The man who set me on the path to be an endodontist.
When I was a dental student, Aaron help me overcome my fear about performing root canal treatments and eventually inspire me to become one myself.

Prof Giampiero
Professor Giampiero Rossi-Fedele taught me that there is more to life than just clinical endodontics. Spending time with family, playing “Soccer”, and reviewing papers should be part of being a rounded endodontist.

Dr Sheng
Dr. Zhang, Sheng and I go way back to our days in dental school, our friendship continued even after we graduated and are working worlds apart. It was a chance encounter when I came to Sydney and his clinic was just near mine! We hang out despite our busy schedules, drinking whisky and discussing papers while drunk!

Dr Peter Kim &
Dr Ying Guo
Dr Peter Kim and Dr Ying Guo were the new periodontal residents when I was going through my program. They showed and taught me the basics of how to raise a nice surgical flap during my time at the University of Adelaide.